Other Dental Solutions 


Peach Family Dentistry can professionally whiten smiles in the office.  And, patients can also choose “take home” whitening solutions that are preferred vs. retail options available over-the-counter.

  • GLO Brilliant Device ® , the original, groundbreaking innovation in teeth whitening is performed in the office.  This patented device combines LED light and warming Guided Light Optics (GLO) heat to accelerate a safe, hydrogen peroxide whitening formulation that results in faster, easier, and more effective whitening.

  • The innovative warming heat technology is available only from GLO Science ®  and is used in thousands of professional dental offices and is clinically proven to get whiten smiles by five times -  without the sensitivity caused by other OTC treatments.

  • GLO’s minty fresh whitening gel comes in one-of-a-kind vials for easy application directly on teeth for stay-put coverage where you need it -  on teeth - not on the gums.

    • Fast 8-minute applications are pre-timed

    • Top and bottom teeth are whitened simultaneously

    • GLO Brilliant Device®  is hands-free 

    • GLO is FDA-registered. 

    • The whitening gel is made in the USA.  It is vegan and gluten, latex, and cruelty free.

“Take Home” whitening options include:

  • Personal GLO Brilliant ® kit - whitening can become part of a regular hygiene routine at home.

  • Custom trays, with whitening gel, that can whiten smiles gently while sleeping.


Trauma that causes bleeding and lacerations to gums can damage teeth - cracks, fractures, or dislocation - requiring immediate attention.  No matter someone’s age, It is important to see a dentist in a timely manner.  If left untreated, a dental emergency can lead to serious complications - and costly treatments.

Peach Family Dentistry makes customized sports guards.   

  • An impression of the mouth is made in the office.

  • The mouth guard is fashioned over the model.  

  • Available colors:  clear, pink, blue, and green.

Wearing a mouthguard – when playing any contact sport or working in dangerous environments - can help protect teeth from injury and resulting trauma.  

For athletes, mouth guards are an important piece of athletic equipment - young and old - when playing a sport that involves falls, body contact, or flying equipment. This includes football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, skateboarding, gymnastics, mountain biking — any activity that might result in an injury to the mouth.

Even avid outdoor people - ranchers, hunters, and horse riders - can benefit from a mouth guard!


Peach Family Dentistry can provide individualized oral appliances that can decrease, or eliminate, bothersome snoring.   

  • This type of mouthguard is shaped to conform to the upper dental arch which creates a ramp behind the lower anterior teeth.

  • The ramp prevents the jaw from receding during sleep.

  • The guard prevents the tongue from “seeking” an opening between the upper and lower arches portion which keeps the throat’s air passage more open.

A customized guard allows patients to breathe better orally and promotes more nasal (nose) breathing.